Strategique is an international think tank, based at Harvard, focusing on entrepreneurial, innovative and
strategic processes in order to accelerate companies’ competitiveness.
We provide services for:
Family Business
About us
We are an international team of academics, entrepreneurs, consultants and policy makers who use a creative and innovative mindset combined with a lean approach to the analysis, execution and development of innovative business models; and the study, research and publication of the most actual strategic and entrepreneurial contents, tools, methodologies, and applied knowledge to accelerate companies’ competitiveness.
We collaborate closely with different research institutes and think tanks worldwide, primarily with the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness directed by Prof. Michael E. Porter, at Harvard Business School, where we are based.
Entrepreneurship by Design
The book applies a business design approach to facilitate who are planning either to launch their next startup or a new business inside a corporate setting.
Entrepreneurship by design offers a practical hands-on experience, with over 40 different tools that can be used individually or as a step-by-step process to help entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs achieve their goals.
Contact us:
Harvard Square. 1 Mifflin PI. Suite 400
Cambridge, MA 02138